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Producer Quotes

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I was supposed to do a film with Bill Shatner called ‘Free Enterprise 2.’ They were calling me into wardrobe, and they said they are holding off for a while. Then the next thing I knew... either the money dropped out, or the producer ran off with the money. I think it’s the second story that’s true.  (Producer Quotes) I live a normal life. But I’m always thinking about what I’m going to do next, musically. ‘Do I need a fresh producer? What was Peter Gabriel doing when he was 32?’  (Producer Quotes) I’m not going to go to a producer that’s going to take me in a studio and charge me my whole budget and give me a fake head nod. I’m just trying to make good music. I appreciate everybody that’s supporting me.  (Producer Quotes) I don’t think you can mix classical music and reggae. It’s not possible. But some producer in, like, Norway is going to put it together.  (Producer Quotes) I believe how you measure a good movie is how many times you can see it. With comedies, I like to be a producer, because comedies can get corny and go off track real fast. I’m always the ‘less is more’ guy when it comes to a scene. So I’ma be the one who will keep it grounded.  (Producer Quotes) If making movies was easier, there’d be a lot more good movies. So you kind of learn that if it’s just a good script, or if it’s just a good producer, that’s not always enough. You need an entire team of creative people coming together.  (Producer Quotes) The relationship with a producer and an artist is really special.It’s got to be love and respect, amazing mutual respect for each other, because that’s what makes a good record.  (Producer Quotes) When you work on a Jerry Bruckheimer film, you can be sure of two things: no production value will be spared, and the catering will be as fine as any really really good restaurant. Jerry is an amazing producer, with a commitment to his films second to none.  (Producer Quotes) I think that one of the greatest perspectives that I have, from being a buyer for my whole career until I became a producer, is that I have a pretty good understanding of the buyer’s mentality.  (Producer Quotes) When you work for Bruckheimer, you don’t get it any better. He’s the ultimate producer. I’ve had the good fortune of working with some great producers over the years.  (Producer Quotes) I’d do a demo recording by myself, layering instruments on top of one another, and while that’s fun, it doesn’t have the same impact as getting some great players together in a great studio with a great engineer and producer, then waiting for the magic.  (Producer Quotes) I’ve never been bored in my life, man. I’ve never been bored or lonely. Are you kidding? No way! I’m an orchestrator, a musician, a producer. I love everything. I’ve studied languages from Farsi to Greek to French, Swedish, Russian... How can you get bored?  (Producer Quotes) I was really impressed with Naomi [Watts]. She was a producer, and she was doing things that I wasn’t really aware of. The way she was able to switch from handling problems to shoot a really difficult scene, I think is a real testament to her true ability.  (Producer Quotes) Most films I work on, the people making the film are constantly second-guessing the executives of the studio, the producer, and the audience. It is very hard to accomplish anything in that situation.  (Producer Quotes) I used to have sort of mixed feelings about a producer whose only skills seemed to be going into the studio, schmoozing the artists and making them feel good. I can see now that in some cases, that’s what you have to do because that’s the only way you’re going to get them to produce.  (Producer Quotes) No one wants to hear from the producer. He’s the guy by the pool with a cigar in his mouth and a couple of lovelies on his arm. But when you’re a director, they want to hear what you have to say about everything - the war, the world.  (Producer Quotes) I have been a producer and director for many years, and I can say it’s really difficult for women, although the women in Mexico suffer as much as other women in the world. The first thing is to get respect for the work you do. Then it is about getting the money. And this respect comes little by little over the years.  (Producer Quotes) The beauty of having a producer is that you have someone who says, You’re finished  (Producer Quotes) As a producer, you’ve got to be involved in helping out with solving problems  (Producer Quotes)
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